Technology starts here DiinoTech

Technology Starts here, Welcome to DiinoTech. DiinoTech is a multibussniess company consisting of 3 sectors. Which all focus on Web Development, Server hosting and online shopping. ...


Our Brands

DiinoTech's Brands

The official brands of DiinoTech.

Diino Host

Diino Host is a DiinoTech brand focusing on hosting. DiinoHost provides free and paid 24/7 hosting. We host minecraft servers, discord bots and many more!

Diino Marketplace

DiinoMarketplace is a DiinoTech brand focusing online shopping.


DiinoMC is a non DiinoTech brand which is a minecraft network.


DiinoWeb is DiinoTech's newest upcoming brand focusing on data, web managment and more.

Why choose DiinoTech?

Our first why

DiinoHost is a trusted multibussinesss that never scams.

Our second why

All our bussnisses such as DiinoHost, Diino Marketplace and more have certified reviews from both our free and paid customers.

Our third why

Why not choose us? ㄟ( ▔, ▔ )ㄏ

Choose us!

Steps image


Frequently Asked Questions

All questions asked, answered.

Do you scam?

DiinoTechs strives to give the best to you. We do not strive to steal peoples money.

Are you legit?

DiinoTech and DiinoTechs Brands are legit. We have certified customer reviews on all our brands.

Do we have free minecraft hosting?

DiinoTech have a brand focusing on Hosting. We provide free and paid hosting for minecraft and more.

What are your newest upcoming brands?

Our newest upcoming brand is DiinoWeb. Its a company focusing on web development and more.

How many customers have you served

We have served a whopping 1000+ customers. We are strong and we will stay strong with all your support.

Whats DiinoMC

DinoMC is a NON DiinoTech brand. Please note that this is NOT part of DiinoTech as we have 3 brands. DiinoMC is not part of it. DiinoMC is a minecraft network. Has nothing related to DiinoTech.








Happy Staff


This is where technology starts. This is DiinoTech. Welcome to Diino.